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How to segment Omnisend subscribers by tags and custom fields
How to segment Omnisend subscribers by tags and custom fields

Segmenting ConvertFlow contacts into Omnisend

Jonathan Denney avatar
Written by Jonathan Denney
Updated over a week ago

ConvertFlow is the all-in-one funnel builder for Omnisend.

With ConvertFlow's 2-way Omnisend integration, you can unlock the full power of the Onmisend subscriber API, without coding or waiting on developers.

Here's an overview of what you can do:

  • Automatically create and update subscribers in Omnisend

  • Map survey responses, quiz answers, dropdown fields, radios, paragraphs, and hidden fields to Omnisend custom fields

  • Segment Omnisend contacts by tags and custom fields upon form submission, button click, and survey selection

  • Personalize your website content, popups, and messaging for returning Omnisend contact segments

Using automations to segment Omnisend subscribers

As you build landing pages, funnels, popups, forms, surveys, sticky bars, quizzes, etc. in ConvertFlow's funnel builder, you can add Omnisend automations to your forms, surveys, buttons, and conditional logic, to make requests to the Omnisend subscriber API:

Using ConvertFlow's automation system, you can add these Omnisend automations to segment contacts:

  • Omnisend - Add a tag

  • Omnisend - Update custom field

These Omnisend automations can be triggered by ConvertFlow upon:

Adding Omnisend automations in ConvertFlow

To add an Omnisend automation to a form, survey, or button, click on the element in the ConvertFlow funnel builder to select it:

Once you've selected it, click on the "Manage Actions" button to the right in the builder panel:

The actions settings modal will display, and now you'll be able to click on "Add automation" below your form's existing automations:

A form to create a new automation will appear. Now, select the type of automation you want to create.

For Omnisend, you'll find these automation types as options in the dropdown.

  • Add a tag

  • Update custom field (useful for hard coding custom fields. For user input custom fields, use form custom fields and surveys).

Once you've selected an Omnisend automation type, you'll then be asked for any additional info needed to create the automation.

For example, if you select "Add a tag", you'll need to write a tag name. Once you've entered the info, click "Create Automation":

Your automation will be saved to your form and it'll be listed with your form's other automations above.

To delete an automation, click the "X" icon to the right of it in the automations list:

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