Two types of video can be added to a campaign, a background video in the container or a foreground video as an element.ย
Adding a background video
Start by clicking on the background section of the campaign, which will trigger the section options:
Scroll down to the "Background" section to find the video background option and add the video URL:
NOTE: The video background field only supports YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia URLs and only works on the desktop view of a campaign.
Adding a video element
Click on the "Create" option in the builder and select "Video":
The video element will be added to the campaign container and the video options will be available to add the video URL:
NOTE: We recommend using the video URL provided in the address bar and not the one provided when using the "Share" options in the video hosting platform. The video element field only supports YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia URLs
Although the video won't be visible in the builder, the video, controls, and settings can be tested on the preview page.