Calculating funnel score
Incrementing score based on answers
As you add questions to your quizzes and fields to your funnel's forms, ConvertFlow makes it easy to assign scores to specific answers by editing the answer's "score" value.
This will either increment/decrement the funnel score based on the answer's score.
Customizing the starting score
All funnel interactions start with a score of 0 by default. To adjust the starting score, go to the campaign's settings in the panel, scroll down to "Funnel settings" and adjust the starting score.
Displaying the funnel score
You can display the person's funnel score using the current score merge tag.
Using scores for funnel logic
Scores can also power your conditional actions, so you can route people to different funnel paths based on score ranges (example: greater than 100, less than 100, etc).
Saving scores to contact custom fields
Mapping to a custom field
From the funnel settings, you can optionally have the funnel score saved to the person's contact profile by mapping the score to a custom field.
You can either define a new custom field, or map it to an existing custom field in your integrations:
The saved score will then display on the contact record's custom fields list.
Using automations to update saved contact scores
You can also use ConvertFlow's scoring automations to apply calculations to multiple contact score custom fields, making it possible to calculate multiple contact scores based on interactions across all your funnels.
The score automations include:
Update score
Add to score
Subtract from score
Pro tip: Using conditional actions, you can conditionally apply calculations to saved contact score custom fields.